At BlueFrog the health and safety of those involved with our cleaning operations is our top priority. As part of the mobilisation process, we carry out full risk and COSHH assessments and provide method statements for every task we perform. All staff are required to carry out full induction training before even setting foot on a client’s premises. The company Health & Safety policy along with other policies are available to clients and staff via our site manual which is placed on every site where we carry out works. The manual contains all necessary RAMS as well as information regarding the emergency procedures for that particular site.

View our certificates below

Employer's & Employees liability insurance

ISO 90012015 accreditation

Safe Contractor accreditation

Download Health and Safety Posters

Risk assessment

Toilet and washroom schedule

COSHH Do you know all you need to know

Keeping your cleaning cupboard tidy


Watch your step 1

Watch your step 2

Office bacteria

Preventing slips 1

Preventing slips 2

Health and Safety